Example: EURO 2024 Bonus Pool Payouts

Payout Per Key Scenario for EURO 2024 with France Winning

Given the assumptions:

  • France wins

  • France and Germany are the final 2

  • France, Germany, Netherlands, and Spain are the final 4

  • Final 8 teams include France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, England, Portugal, Belgium

Breakdown of Payouts

Current Bonus Pool

  • Initial Bonus Pool: $100,000

  • Current Bonus Pool: $111,000

Payout Structure

  1. Final 8 Teams: 20% of the bonus pool when final 8 are known.

  2. Final 4 Teams: 25% of the remaining bonus pool when final 4 are known.

  3. Final 2 Teams: 40% of the remaining bonus pool when final 2 are known.

  4. Winning Team: 100% of the remaining pool when the winner is known.

Teams and Key Counts

  • England: 11,000 keys

  • France: 11,400 keys (Winner)

  • Germany: 10,300 keys

  • Spain: 8,000 keys

  • Portugal: 7,700 keys

  • Netherlands: 6,000 keys

  • Belgium: 4,700 keys

Payout Calculations

Final 8 Teams Payout

  • Total Payout: 20% of $111,000 = $22,200

  • Remaining Pool: $111,000 - $22,200 = $88,800

Payout Per Key:

Final 4 Teams Payout

  • Remaining Pool: $88,800

  • Total Payout: 25% of $88,800 = $22,200

  • Remaining Pool: $88,800 - $22,200 = $66,600

Payout Per Key:

Final 2 Teams Payout

  • Remaining Pool: $66,600

  • Total Payout: 40% of $66,600 = $26,640

  • Remaining Pool: $66,600 - $26,640 = $39,960

Payout Per Key:

Winning Team Payout

  • Remaining Pool: $39,960

  • Total Payout: 100% of $39,960

Payout Per Key:

Total Payout Per Key for France (Winner)

  • Final 8: $1.95

  • Final 4: $1.95

  • Final 2: $2.34

  • Winner: $3.51

Total Payout Per Key for France:

1.95+1.95+2.34+3.51=$9.75 per key1.95 + 1.95 + 2.34 + 3.51 = \$9.75 \text{ per key}1.95+1.95+2.34+3.51=$9.75 per key

Summary Table

This table shows the payout per key at each stage of the competition for the fictional final 8 teams in our scenario, with France ultimately winning EURO 2024.

Last updated